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Instructions on Postgraduate Course Selection for 2022 Spring Semester

All graduate students are required to select courses online at YJS platform (http://yjs.ustc.edu.cn), and please pay great attention to the following issues:

1.Logging in YJS platform supports two ways: USTC CAS (Central Authorization Service) and Platform Login. If you own an USTC CAS account, you can log in with USTC CAS account and password; if not, please use the platform login entrance by using your student ID and your password.

2.The course selection is only limited to the postgraduate courses offered for 2022 Spring Semester. According to the teaching calendar, the classes will start from Sunday, February 21, and the specific schedule is as follows:

1) Course selection starts on January 10 at 3pm.

2) Course selection & withdrawal ends on March 7 at 9am.

3) Sortition of Courses (February 20 at 15:00 – February 20 at 17:00)

(The sortition will be done automatically by the system, during which it is not allowed to choose or withdraw courses.)

3.Graduate students shall select not more than a total of 23 credit points each semester, and shall discuss with supervisor before processing the online course selection. Within three weeks after the course being taken, the student who wants to withdraw a course shall fill out the Application Form for Courses Withdrawal which can be downloaded from the official website of Graduate School, and approved by the supervisor and the head of school(department), the application shall be submitted to Graduate School for the withdrawal procedure. Three weeks after the beginning of a course, graduate students are not allowed to withdraw it for reasons such as heavy research tasks, difficulties in taking courses, being dispatched on business, or courses conflicts, etc.

4.Once the online course selection being completed, graduate students are mandatory to attend all aspects of the courses. Those who fail in attending the course and examination without a proper reason will be treated as absenteeism.

5.Due to limited teaching resources, and to guarantee the normal teaching order, some schools/departments may not open their courses to the students of other schools/departments.

6.     The course selection system supports the mutual selection between postgraduate courses and undergraduate courses. A graduate student who would like to select an undergraduate course shall apply to the undergraduate teaching office of the course-opening department, and the course will be opened if the condition allows.

If you have problems in logging in the YJS platform or online course selection policies, please consult the concerned office of the Graduate School. The contact number is 63607533.


Graduate School

January, 2022

